Selasa, 17 April 2012

Genk amburadul

Please give me a comparison to tell u all bout my best friends.
Rexy Anggraini : Baby Face. If i see her face, i am hearty laugh. Why people like her is so crazy. Not same with her face. So, i can call her TAME. Yea but it just kidding. HEARTY KIDDING.

Safira Riskiana: I dont know why, she is exposed with Rexy's virus. Yea she is Tame. Hahahaha. If she is sick, my friend is so try to look her condition, somehow.

Ijaz Nisaayda: She is my friend of the struggle. I love her. If i feel so difficult, she is try to help altough i dont know what she said to me. Hahaha. SAY PEACE !

Dian Chasanah Mumpuni: I feel so wrong if i call him Tablo. Because i dont know what the reason i call her like that. She is naughty with me. If i silent sometime, she approach me and nosy. Hah .. I just smile

Nurul Islam Mawardah : My friend that accompany me with lonely situation. she understand my feel. Aaaaa .. lonely lonely

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