Selasa, 17 April 2012

Just  want to tell to you all.
Hi i am Fina Fahrunisa Setiayudha.  You can call me on this site Ino.
I was born on Ponrogo, sept 14 1996. I live at Rajeg Tangerang
My Hobby is reading a book, online, blogging and play piano. I am school at SHS 7 tangerang. I am so proud of this.
I dont think how people think about me. I am just i am. Just ordinary girl with small eyes and big smile.
I want to make a situation always fun and happy.  Smile, big hope is a big foundation  to make a better life. My life maybe is so heavy, but i like this life.
ISLAM is my FOUNDATION. Just it.
Thank you and always HAVE FUN.

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